A Cross-Section of My Being  |  Kimberly Clo :: Oracle Art

Seeds of a New World


Kimberly’s Insights

Seeds are so small in comparison to the thing that they yield.

In fact, planting a seed is one of the easiest parts of the whole gardening process.

Small is big.
Big is small.

An ordinary but persistent river carved the whole Grand Canyon!

Hard is easy.
Easy is hard.

Let’s plant a new world the easy way, the way nature does it.
The way the earth does.
Seeds just fall.
No effort.
No striving.

This is Nature’s economy.
Divine economy.

Let us not underestimate the fact that we are creating a new world right this very minute.

We create by our words, our intensions, our actions. Seeds scattered about — almost too easy.


Think of
sunlight as attention

Think of
water as emotion

Think of
soil as your body

Think of
seed as desire

Think of
fruit as experience

An experiment::
What do you desire to experience in you body?
Give that thing your attention and emotion.
See for yourself what happens.

You may end up with much more bounty than you ever imagined.

A suggestion ::
Keep what you want.
Share the extra.
Spread the love around.

This is one way we grow a New World

Gold leaf
April 6, 2020


Insights from the community

COMING SOON: Insights on this piece from people in the community.

COMING SOON: Insights on this piece from people in the community.


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