A Cross-Section of My Being  |  Kimberly Clo :: Oracle Art

The Roots & The Fruits


Kimberly’s Insights

Be wise, beautiful one.
The only trustworthy fortune teller is a gardener.

They know exactly
what they planted,
when they planted it
where the bounty will emerge.

It’s a different story with the plants.
Their boundary-less parts exist separately and whole all at the same time.

For instance, the roots - they know nothing of the fruits.

The roots live in the dark damp earth.
the roots like it down there.
The roots know what to do in the dark - there is no vision necessary for this kind of growing.

Here in the underworld, growth is the natural response to needs being met.

On the other hand,
are the flowers and fruit - they know nothing of the roots that hold them.

They know nothing of that kind of darkness.
They just respond to the irresistible warmth of The Sun.

The stalk, the leaf,
the flower and the fruit .
Life swells and ripens in the Sun.

As it should.

Fruit is a joyous natural response of one with such deep happy roots.

The roots do not need to be seen,
It’s not good for them.

And the fruit does not thrive in the heavy dark

: :

This, of course, is all a metaphor.
We are each a body of boundary-less parts seeking the sun and the mysterious-quiet of the dark.

We will walk, one day, among the fruit trees and flower bushes that we ourselves planted so long ago.

The figurative ones and the actual ones.
We will eat the inner fruit of the trees we have tended.

It can be no other way.

Understand this -
we are planting seeds regardless.

The world to come will eat from the trees we plant today.

Be wise, Beautiful One.

The only trustworthy fortune teller is a Gardener.

Precious metal


Insights from the community

COMING SOON: Insights on this piece from people in the community.

COMING SOON: Insights on this piece from people in the community.


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